November 08, 2023

虽然夏天可能是大学生完成实习的黄金时间, valuable opportunities are available during the academic year too. The possibilities are endless: some intern during a semester abroad, 有些人亲自向实习报告,有些人则采用虚拟或混合的时间表. 浩博体育app的学生通过与他们的学术兴趣和职业目标相一致的实习,沉浸在现实世界的学习机会中. 以下是一些今年秋天将实习与课程结合起来的人,他们的履历得到了巩固.

Fighting media bias

Addison Yaukey ’25, a political science major from Knoxville, Maryland, interns with Biasly这是一家媒体偏见机构,为新闻来源及其文章提供实时偏见评级.

“Last semester, I took Media and Politics. I thought this class was super interesting, 因为它谈到了媒体是如何用偏见操纵政治的, gatekeeping and framing,” Yaukey said. “Biasly is trying to work against this with their Bias Meter, 这是一个Chrome扩展,你可以下载到你的浏览器,它会扫描你正在阅读的新闻文章,并确定它是否有这样或那样的政治偏见. 这有助于人们认识到,他们正在阅读的东西可能不像他们想象的那么客观, and makes them aware of the opinions, rather than facts, they might be consuming.”

At Biasly, 雅琪参加了一个每周的培训项目,通过这个项目,她了解了不同形式的偏见,以及如何在日常生活中抵制它们. 她还回顾了真实新闻文章中的句子和短语,以增强Biasly的偏见测量仪.

“我们倾向于认为新闻媒体会告诉我们一个重要的故事, but this internship has shown me that this often isn’t the case,” Yaukey said. “我很高兴自己有了一些工具,可以在阅读的新闻中注意这些偏见. Being a part of something that can also help people see these biases, like Biasly’s Bias Meter, 也是有益的,因为我知道它会帮助人们更自信地消费新闻.”


“通过这次实习,我向自己证明了我可以同时承担多项责任, 我是田径队的一员,同时还要处理好主课和辅课的课业负担,同时还要保持我的成绩,” Yaukey said. “能够有条不紊、轻松地管理多个项目,一直是雇主想要的技能.”

Answering the call to public service

Pennsylvania Gov. 乔什·夏皮罗在哈里斯堡州首府大楼迎接2023届联邦实习生. Pennsylvania Gov. 乔什·夏皮罗在哈里斯堡州首府大楼迎接2023届联邦实习生.Political science major Morgan Reed ’23, of Halifax, Pennsylvania, is a fall intern for the Office of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services in Pennsylvania’s Department of Human Services.

“我一直觉得自己被召唤去做公共服务,并希望尽我所能帮助社区. I most often viewed this through the lens of government work,” Reed said. “我知道这次实习将为我提供一个机会,为办公室的运作做出有意义的贡献,并为我提供宝贵的政府工作经验.”

Reed handles data entry for the state office, 从收到的对护理的看法调查中收集信息并将其输入数据库,办公室将这些信息分发给公共资助的行为健康服务的消费者. Reed还会对调查中留下的个人评论进行审查和分类,以确保它们被记录下来.

His internship is a hybrid format, 允许他在校园和哈里斯堡联邦大厦的OMHSAS办公室工作.

“在我的实习经历中,我学到的最重要的一课是政府工作的复杂性,” Reed said. “在每个过程中都有很多部分要发挥作用,所有这些都非常重要. 每个职位都很重要,即使是人们可能不会立即考虑的职位.”

Upon graduating, 里德计划攻读政治心理学或行为科学的研究生学位.

Protecting investors through audit oversight

Accounting major Isabella Scappaticci ’24, of Wyoming, Pennsylvania, is interning with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, a nonprofit organization that oversees the audits of public companies. The organization was created by Congress in 2002.

“我一直对监管流程很感兴趣,最终的职业目标是从事法务和反欺诈会计工作,” Scappaticci said. “我的实习是一个很好的机会,可以增长我在这一领域的知识,并对公共审计事务所的法规有更深的了解. It has been a fantastic opportunity to see a different side of accounting.”

Scappaticci is conducting her internship remotely, 协助组织审查提交董事会的项目, including matters related to inspections and remediations. 她也有机会观察pcaob检查的公司的执行和标准制定过程.

“这是一个学习的过程,在我的课程负担之外还要管理实习, but by working with my professors and the registrar’s office, 我能够通过这次实习获得学分,并安排我的时间表,使我能够履行所有承诺,” Scappaticci said. “My experience has been incredibly rewarding. 我很高兴能与这样一个知识渊博、经验丰富的团队一起工作, while also knowing my contributions matter.”

After graduation, 斯卡帕帕蒂奇计划搬到纽约市,作为普华永道会计师事务所的审计助理,开始她在公共会计领域的职业生涯.